Monday, 21 April 2014

Preparation Of Gardening Beds and Crop Cares

Preparation of gardening beds :

1. Selection of site should be done in order to optimize crop production. For example open area, near water sources, etc.

2. Clearing work must be done in the selection area.

3. Plow the soil using a hoe (small garden) or machinery like tractor (for huge farm)

4. left the area for 1 -2 weeks. Then, loosen the soil activity must be done (for huge farm)

5. Upon completion, beds for the planting site must be built according to the height and width of the desired beds.

6. Then, we must lime the soil to stabilize soil pH.

7. Upon completion, the basic manuring (using organic fertilizer) needs to be done to ensure the soil has enough nutrients before planting.

Video :

Crop Care :

Once the seedlings are planted in the growth medium, precautions are necessary. Step - step care program involves:

1. Weeding

2. Watering

3. Tiling

4. Fertilizing

5. Controlling the tree from diseases and pests

1.0 Weeding

1. To avoid competition between crops with other crops such as grass and so on.

2. Grass or weeds around the trees must be removed by hand or by using suitable work equipment such as hand harpoons.

2.0 Watering

1. Watering activities is done to meet the basic needs of plants that need water, nutrients and sunlight to grow.

2. Watering is done according to the needs of trees and depending on the weather. But generally, the plants watered twice a day, morning and evening.

3.0 Tiling

1. Tiling is done with the intention of improving the drainage. In addition, tiling can also remove or repel insects or pests that live in the soil.

2. Tiling will allow water and air to enter the cavity of the ground easily

4.0 Fertilizing

1. Fertilizing is done to ensure and maintain the fertility of fields and continuous supply of nutrients.

2. It is done according to a predetermined order but usually fertilizing is done every two weeks.

3. There are various types of fertilizers that contain various nutrients that are required by the plants. Among NPK fertilizer (sodium, phosphorus, potassium) or organic fertilizer and compost.

5.0 Controlling the tree from diseases and pests

1. Plants should be protected from enemy like insects, snails, grasshoppers, rodents and fungi or bacteria.

2. Controls can be done on a continuous basis using a variety of methods. Among them is through the use of synthetic chemical methods, biological methods like use of predators,  culture methods  such as rotating crops and physical methods such as the use of nets.

3. Controls should be carried out continuously to ensure trees or plants are kept in a healthy and quality

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