Saturday, 19 April 2014

4 SIMPLE step on how to make compost from home

Composting is an environmental friendly fertilizer that does not contain any harmful chemicals. It is a NATURAL MINERAL ELEMENT needed to restore soil fertility and ineffective soil.

The use of chemical fertilizers continuously without using any compost has been shown to result of damage to the soil either from the physical properties of soil, chemicals or soil biology.

By using compost. soil damage can be repaired and soil fertility can be restored while improving agricultural productivity.


N: 1.81% for the growth of trees and leaves. 
P: 1.89% to encourage root growth. 
K20: 1.96% for the fertility of flowers and fruit. 
CaO: 2.96% 
MgO: 0.70%

Materials for making compost :

1) Waste food / organic waste like dry leaves, wood sawdust, hay.
2) Soil
3) Plastic containers or sacks
4) To speed up the process, use earthworms.

Methods :

1) Put food waste and organic waste IN STAGES to the soil that has been prepared.

2) Mix until well combined.

3) Put again food waste and organic waste. Then repeat steps 2.

4) Fill in the sack and put earthworms. Leave it open and keep it in shady place.

Compost can be used after 1 month to 3 months after preparation. Make sure the compost is really rot before they can be used.

The advantages of using compost :

1. Contains nutrients that not found in non-composted manure.

2. Provides nutrients in the long run compared to other fertilizers. 

3. Nourish and sustain nutrients in the soil. Increase water infiltration capacity of the soil and decrease water pollution.

4. Neutralize acidic or alkaline soil, restoring the soil pH to the optimum level to provide nutrients to the plants.

5. Increase worm population in the soil that help loosen soil particles for better root growth, improve soil drainage and soil aeration.

6. Contains humus that can improve soil structure.

7. Contains bacteria that can break down organic matter into nutrients. Some microorganisms are able to convert nitrogen from the air into nutrients needed by plants.

8. Reducing the use of chemical pesticides because microorganisms in the compost able to protect crops from pests and diseases.

9. Odorless and reduce the population of flies that are harmful to human health in the environment.

10. Preparation process in 100% natural, environmentally friendly, safe to use, harmless to plants and humans.

11. Maintain and preserve the soil for the present generation and the generations to come.

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